The ghost of Cummings past

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The attempt to censor Cummings role in SAGE is just clumsy.

As I wrote of Simon Dolan’s legal challenge to the Lockdown in WORLDS ENDS: Coronavirus, Frankenstein and Other Monsters, Chapter 9 Anarchy in The UK: “This is one of the most important legal documents to have been written this century.”

The release of the SAGE Minutes, under pressure from Simon Dolan’s legal case, has proved these words prophetic.

We now have a clear timeline which supports all that was written in Chapter 3 of WORLDS ENDS: Coronavirus, Frankenstein and Other Monsters .

At that time of writing, all that was available from SAGE was its carefully manipulated selection of pre-April 2020 documents.

We can now see the sinister hand of Dominic Cummings. The various tools which he used to murder Britain’s future are scattered around the Cluedo Board of the SAGE Minutes.

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Careless Cleaners

The SAGE Minutes each present an Addendum:

Participants who were Observers and Government Officials were not consistently recorded therefore this may not be a complete list.

The most important meetings since those in the Cabinet War rooms of 1940-45. Yet a reliable list of Participants is not available? This is censorship disguised as incompetence.

This addendum clarifies the roles of the SAGE attendees listed in the minute. There are three categories of attendee. Scientific experts provide evidence and advice as part of the SAGE process. HMG attendees listen to this discussion, to help inform policy work, and are able to provide the scientific experts with context on the work of government where appropriate. The secretariat attends in an organisational capacity. The list of attendees is split into these groups below.

As I said in WORLDS ENDS: Coronavirus, Frankenstein and Other Monsters, Chapter 3, there was obviously a hidden hand shaping the scientific opinions to fit the perceived requirements of politics. Now the hand is revealed by its distinctive fingerprints.

Knock Knock

16 March SAGE Minutes

Publication of SAGE papers and other materials

25. SAGE agreed to publish a chronological set of papers and other documents which have informed the questions it has considered and its advice to date.

26. It is important to demonstrate the uncertainties scientists have faced, how understanding of Covid-19 has developed over time, and the science behind the advice at each stage.

ACTION: SAGE secretariat to explore option of launching release of SAGE materials at Science Media Centre, involving several SAGE participants

Another piece of SAGE advice that Govt UK contradicted for 2 months. It was only on 5 May that a partial release (25%) of SAGE papers was made by Govt UK. These SAGE minutes remained censored until 31 May. Their release came only because of the pressure from Simon Dolan’s legal challenge to the Lockdown, in which he had threatened to seek a Court Order requiring Govt UK to release the SAGE Minutes.

Even then, in its addiction to secrecy, subterfuge and disinformation, Govt UK cannot bear to allow its taxpayers and citizens to see the unredacted SAGE Minutes.


Oops they missed one


R down equals Lock down


Time for Worlds Ends